
Thursday 28 January 2010

计划 PLAN [ 5 ] 妇女儿童援助局




Setting up of 31 Women and Children Aid Counselling Rooms Nationwide
Thrust of Plan: This 5th Plan aims to institutionalise Wanita MCA’s core objective of helping women. Recognising the need for a systematic and professional training programme in ensuring the provision of effective and efficient services to women and children in need, 31 counselling rooms were set up in MCA HQ and 13 states nationwide. These respective units provide scheduled regular para-counselling services and support to underprivileged women and children. Further, data and feedback on services rendered will be collated, discussed, deliberated and translated into policy recommendation as proposed reform aimed to improve government administration.

Let us care for you and
work together to solve your problems
for a brighter future!

1. 捍卫及保护妇女儿童权益;
2. 为需要援助及辅导的妇女儿童提供辅导服务。




20094月,马华全国妇女组妇女儿童援助局推动了新一轮的全国性培训课程,为全国13州培训了共150位援助志工,这些志工共参加了5 项培训课程

第一课 : 自我探索,知己知彼
第二课 : 辅导技巧及援助工作(I)
第三课 : 辅导技巧及援助工作(II)
第四课 : 咨商辅导及技巧练习
第五课 : 福利局,家暴及婚姻法律讲座会

“你倾诉,我聆听”"You Share, We Care"

Objectives of this 5th plan:
(1) To protect and safeguard the interest and rights of women and children;
(2) To provide assistance and counseling to needy women and children.

This plan was mooted after YB Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun assumed the chairmanship of Selangor Wanita MCA in 2005. She was of the view that as the forerunners in championing the rights of women, Wanita MCA members should equip themselves with necessary knowledge, skills and techniques in rendering services to underprivileged women and children in need and her strong conviction to professionalise the core objective of Wanita MCA in assisting women.

Subsequently, Sdri Chew Lee Giok who was entrusted with the principal task of implementing this plan started a systematic long-term training programme with the training of 110 volunteers as para-counsellors in Selangor. As of 30 April 2006, 16 Women and Children Aid Unit (WCAU) were formed in some Selangor MCA Divisions and service centres of elected representatives. These units provide care and counselling services to women and children in need, complementing existing public services rendered by the respective Divisions and service centres. These units were officially launched by the then MCA President Tan Sri Ong Ka Ting.

Following the successful implementation of the 16 WCAUs in Selangor, YB Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun after being elected as the National Chairman of Wanita MCA on 17th Oct 2009 decided to extend the programme to other parts of the country. Sdri Chew Lee Giok was once again tasked to implement this. In April 2009, the Women and Children Aid Bureau (WCAB) of Wanita MCA launched a new training programme which involved all 13 states. A total of 150 volunteers underwent the following para-counselling training courses.

Course 1 : Self Realisation and Knowing Others (19/04/2009)
Course 2 : Counselling Skills and Providing of Aid (30/05/2009)
Course 3 : Counselling Skills and Providing of Aid (28/06/2009)
Course 4 : Counselling and Guidance Skills and Practice (19/07/2009)
Course 5 : Forum on Welfare Department and Laws relating to Domestic Violence and Marriage (23/08/2009)

设于马华中央党部7楼的辅导室 WCAB’s councelling room at 7th floor of Wisma MCA




The Counselling Room located on the 7th Floor, Wisma MCA was officially launched by MCA President YB Dato Seri Ong Tee Keat on 23, August 2009. At the same time, the para-counselling units in 13 states are fully operational.

Operational hours of the Counselling Unit at the party’s headquarters is Every Thursday 10.30 am to 12.30 pm.

After four years of tireless efforts, we have succeeded in setting up the Women and Children Aid Unit throughout the nation. This is not only a “accomplishment” in which we take pride but also a vital fortress for Wanita MCA as the defender of women. These units are the base from which we can provide professional and personal counselling services to women in need.

23.08.2009 马华妇女组全国妇女儿童援助局暨辅导室推介礼上,周丽玉(坐者右三)代表马华妇女组与各支援机构签署谅解备忘录 Chew Lee Giok (3rd seated from right) on behalf of Wanita MCA for the Signing of Memorandum of Understanding with non-governmental service providers as smart partners during the launch of para-counselling room in MCA HQ


Wanita MCA’s Women and Children Aid Bureau however does not operate in isolation. It is supported by six smart partners from counselling and aid organizations namely Life Line Association Malaysia, Women Aid Organisation (WAO), All Women’s Action Society (AWAM), Counselling Centre of the Women Section of the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Than Hsiang Mitra Welfare Centre and KL Clinical Psychology Counselling Centre.

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