
Thursday 28 January 2010

计划 PLAN [ 2 ] - 成立妇女企业发展中心 Setting up of Women Entrepreneur Development Centre (WEDC)


计划重点:成立妇女企业发展中心,将多元化终身学习中心(前称"多元化家政经济推广中心") 纳入为属下专职推动培训工作的单位。




1. 技职培训
2. 就业机会
3. 创业机会 三大计划重点,引领妇女突破经济箍咒,开创自主新天地!



1. 联合马华资讯工艺中心联办第一届亚洲妇女商业研讨会吸引了400名海内外妇女企业精英齐聚一堂,相互观摩与建立企业人脉网络。

2. BEAUBELLE美姿娇美容学院合作,为女性提供获得政府赞助的各项美容专业课程培训机会50多名在这项计划下受惠的学生,不但参与了为期6个月的专业美容课程(3个月理论及3个月实习),也可在毕业后获颁BEAUBELLE美姿娇美容学院瑞士国际文凭与初级文凭及英国伦敦城市行业协会文凭(选择性),并享有学成后的就业机会。


3. 与提供家庭配备用器的韩国公司 Woongjin Coway (M) Sdn Bhd (Coway) 联合推出大马 COWAY CODY PROJECT CODY Lady 品质管理服务员征员计划,为必需兼顾家庭与事业和希望工作时间弹性的女性和单亲妈妈提供一面工作一面创业的商机。

这项计划推出后获得了热烈的反应,目前通过妇女企业发展中心介绍的应征者已有50名。一旦她们被聘请,公司将为她们提供在职培训及RM30,000的个人意外保险福利。在弹性的工作时间安排下,她们将按公司提供的客户名单为客户提供服务,表现优异的CODY每月将可赚取至少RM 2,000,同时还有晋升主管级的机会。


只要是女性,拥有自己的交通工具和能操普通英语,年龄介于20-40岁而有兴趣者,欢迎致电:03-2161 8044 马华妇女企业发展中心了解详情。

4. 2009815日与8家公司签署谅解备忘录,结盟为精明伙伴,为妇女提供培训、就业和创业的机会

专业培训与就业机会 - Beaubelle美姿娇美容学院、绿洲国际学院、色彩发屋、马来西亚首都中医学院

创业机会 - 冠香云吞面经营连锁,Zazen家庭式矿泉疗养专营点、 Jashen窗帘创业工作坊、AsianLine Machinery Sdn Bhd

5. 2009711日开始至今,妇女企业发展中心属下之多元化终身学习中心已主办了多项课程及说明会,包括:烹饪课程-烘焙糕点班、插花课程、美容美发美甲课程、首饰设计课程、窗帘创作工作坊、陪月及足疗推拿说明会、家庭式矿泉疗养专营店、珍珠奶茶及刨冰连锁经营等。

1. 200967:推介礼-基于经济与日常生活息息相关,决定设立妇女企业发展中心,以提供技能训练,以便拥有更多出路,提供创业机会。
2. 2009815:8家公司签署《英培计划谅解备忘录》。
3. 2009916日至2009101: 举办说明会供公众参与。

1. 设立妇女企业发展中心网站,让女企业家通过互联网互通讯息、获取相关资讯、了解国际商界蓬勃发展的最新资讯,也让女企业家们有机会参与企业活动,发挥所长;
2. 联系各政府单位及金融机构,扮演妇女企业融资桥梁;
3. 扩大精明伙伴网络;
4. 进军制造业-制衣业、食品加工业等。

Breaking the economic shackles to achieve financial freedom and new life
Setting up of Women Entrepreneur Development Centre (WEDC)

Thrust of Plan: Setting up Women Entrepreneur Development Centre (WEDC); To incorporate Multi-Purpose Lifelong Learning Centre (formerly known as Multi-Purpose Training Centre) into WEDC as their training arm.

Lack of financial independence further undermines underprivileged women!
Poverty dampens one’s will!

In its effort to empower women to breakthrough their financial predicament, Wanita MCA has decided to form the WEDC to enable women to get out of the financial quandary and achieve financial freedom through:

1. Vocational Skills
2. Job Opportunity
3. Business Opportunity

The centre will be located at 5th floor Wisma MCA and is in the final stage of being equipped with necessary equipment and employment of executives. Thereafter, it will fully launch its operations to provide systematic and professional service to assist women to involve in the various economic sectors.

To gain exposure and improve its operational efficiency, the Centre has carried out several programmes before it fully operates. These programmes included the following:

1. Jointly organised the 1st Asia Women Business Power Conference 2009 with the MCA ICT Resource Centre (MIRC). The event was attended by some 400 local and foreign women corporate personalities to learn from each other and to establish entrepreneurial social network.

2. Collaboration with BEAUBELLE Academy of Cosmetology to provide opportunity to women to receive professional beauty course sponsored by the government. Over 50 students under the programme are now undergoing a 6-month professional beauty course (3 months of theory and 3 months of practical training). They will be awarded a Swiss International Diploma by BEAUBELLE Academy of Cosmetology, and will be given the option to pursue the City and Guilds Diploma. In addition, they will be offered employment opportunity upon their graduation.

The Centre carried out a 2-week promotional campaign on the beauty industry in Jinjang, Federal Territory. Counters were set up in Kelab Tern Yun Gang, Jinjang Baru and Jinjang Utara Community Hall to provide facial treatment at discounted rates for women who could not afford the treatment at beauty saloons, and eventually to encourage more women in new villages to participate in this creative and growing business venture.

3. Joint partnership on CODY Lady recruitment drive with Korean household appliance manufacturer Woongjin Coway (M) Sdn Bhd (Coway) under the Malaysian COWAY CODY Project to provide an opportunity for working women and single mothers who have to take care of their families to venture into business in a flexible manner.

The plan received encouraging response and so far over 50 women referred by WEDC have applied to the company. Upon the selection by the company, these candidates will be given in-job training and a RM30,000 personal accident insurance coverage. Under a flexible working hour arrangement, these women provide service to the company’s customers according to the list of customer prepared by the company. An outstanding CODY participant can earn up to a minimum of RM2,000 a month in addition to the chance of promotion as supervisor.

WEDC has planned to increase the membership of CODY to 250 by 2010 and hope to make CODY a new business venture for Malaysian women, thus contributing towards social development and community wellbeing.

This programme is open to women aged between 20-40 years with own transport and basic command of English language. We welcome anyone interested to contact WEDC at 03-21618044 for further information.

4. Memorandum of Understanding with eight companies was signed on 15 August 2009 as smart partners to provide training, employment and business opportunities to women under 2 categories:

Vocational Skills and Job Opportunity

Beaubelle Academy of Cosmetology,Oasis Education Management, Colourhaus Professional Salon and Academy, Capital ICM Institute

Business opportunity

Guan Xiang Enterprise (M) Sdn Bhd, Zazen Health Solutions, Jashen Interior Design (M) Sdn. Bhd., AsianLine Machinery Sdn. Bhd.

5. Since 11 July 2009, the Multi-Purpose Lifelong Learning Centreunder the WEDC has conducted various courses and briefing sessions in cooking, baking, flower arrangement, beauty, hair-dressing and manicure, jewellery design, curtain making, confinement service, reflexology seminar, family-style mineral spa shop, pearl milk tea and drinks chain stores.

Past Activities:
1) 7 June 2009: Launching Ceremony: The decision to form WEDC is to provide skills and vocational training to women so as to widen their access to economic and business opportunities.

2)15 August 2009: Signing of MOU with 8 Smart Partners

3)16 September 2009 to 1st October 2009: Briefing Session on WEDC 8 Smart Partners courses to general public

Future Plans:
1. Creation of the WEDC website to allow women entrepreneurs to get connected with each other and have access to the latest information in the business world and opportunity to participate in economic and business activities.
2. Provide link to between women entrepreneurs government and financial institutions and facilitate access to financing.
3. Expand the network of smart partners.
4. Venture into manufacturing, garment and food processing sectors.

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