
Thursday 28 January 2010

专访蔡凤玲 Interview Chua Fong Ling



“妇女同志们应全面进入e时代,在设立个人部落格之余,积极登入充斥网际网络的各个部落格,尤其是在哗众取宠,扭曲是非的部落格中表达看法,揭发谎言,道出真理,全面反击,以扭转我们直到现在仍处于劣势的网上宣传战,赢回网上话语权,让真相浮现,让国阵的良好施政得以传达。 ”


Chua Fong Ling
Head of Information and Communication Bureau

“To Reveal the truth by exposing the lies”

"Members of Wanita MCA should go all out to embrace the e-Era by having their own blogs and actively log on to other blogs posted on the internet, in particular response to sensational, unfounded and distorted postings; and misleading articles. We could strike a balance by expressing our views, exposing lies and revealing the truth, thus reversing the present disadvantage against us and regaining our voice in the internet, and more importantly, disseminating accurate information on the merits of policy implementation by the BN government.

To develop the potential of Wanita members, we will conduct writing and blogging training workshop in the various states to encourage women to be concerned about politics and participate in current affairs and making their views heard and known. Currently, the strategy and management committee of MyWanita is keeping touch with Wanita members through regular emails and we hope to pave the way and encourage more women to make good use of the internet so as to contribute positively towards the development of the people, especially women, and the nation.”

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